From Interstate 94, take Exit #342 (Hwy 158) East. Follow 158 East for 7 miles all the way until it dead-ends at the harbor (6th Ave). Turn North (left) onto 6th Ave and go 2 blocks to the first set of traffic lights which is 50th Street. Turn East (right) on 50th Street . At this point, you will be on a bridge that crosses over the harbor. Immediately after crossing the bridge, turn North (left) onto Kennedy Drive. Follow Kennedy Drive north through a park area for about ¼ mile. As you exit the “park” area, you will come down a gradual hill and see a parking lot and a set of boat launch ramps. Turn left here and look for Harbor Drive. Harbor Drive runs South right along the boat slips. Follow Harbor Drive south for approx 300 yards and you will see a gate labeled DOCK #2.
Find a parking spot and I will meet you right there!
There is also a small brick structure right there which has bathrooms. I have a key to them and you are welcome to use them before we head out.
CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST (262) 620-1611
Enter the intersection of: 45th Street and Kennedy Drive Kenosha, WI 53140